Launch of a Walking Map of Deptford’s Slavery Legacy

It was a pleasure to attend join The Museum of Slavery and Freedom (MōAaF) today for the launch of their map of Deptford’s links to Slavery and Freedom along with Cllr Obajimi Adefiranye, Sandra Adefiranye, Cllr Joan Millbank, Cllr Juliet Campbell, Mayoress of Lewisham: Dawn Atkinson, Christina Norman, Natasha Ricketts & many members of the community.

The Museum of Slavery and Freedom (MōSaF) map presents a new way of thinking about Deptford, one of London’s oldest neighbourhoods.

We have to acknowledge & learn from the past. Understand why it impacts lives today & celebrate what we have & continue to contribute to the world. Education is key. Lesson have to be learnt from our past and present so that the future is better, fairer, equitable and where justice reigns.

Check out their website to learn more about MōSaF.